Cypress Nexia

12:03:15 PM

Update Time

Cypress Nexia current time

time zone Time
Cypress Nexia 12:03:15 PM
Local Time 06:03:15 PM
Update Time

Cypress-Nicocia time vs. local time

Cypress Nexia - Local Time = 6
Time Zone Difference:6hours
Time Zone Difference:360Minutes

Nexia Dates in Cyprus vs. Local Dates

time zone date
Cypress Nexia 2025/02/15
Local Time 2025/02/15

Where is Nicosia in Cyprus?

Nicosia, the capital of the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, is the largest city on the island of Cyprus. It is the only capital that was divided between the Greeks in the south and the Turks in the north, and is the only one where both north and south governments were established after the division of the country.

European Time

Russia-Volgograd North Macedonia - Skopje Cypress Nexia
Carpathian-Uzhhorod Italy-Rome Southern Europe - Malta
Bulgaria - Sofia Norway-Oslo Portugal - Lisbon
Russia-Samara Åland Islands - Port Mary UK - Isle of Man
France - Paris Slovenia - Ljubljana Denmark - Copenhagen
Belarus - Minsk Turkey -- Istanbul Belgium-Brussels
UK - London Dublin, Ireland Greece - Athens
UK-Jersey Romania-Bucharest Croatia - Zagreb
UK-Gibraltar Northern Ireland - Belfast Europe - Vatican City
Hungary-Budapest Ukraine - Zaporozhye Estonia - Tallinn
Serbia-Belgrade Austria-Vienna Bosnia and Herzegovina - Serajevo
Switzerland - Zurich Albania - Tirana Czech Republic - Prague
Lithuania - Vilnius Crimean Peninsula - Sinfelop Europe - Russia
Moldovan Tiraspol. Latvia - Riga Spain - Madrid
Netherlands - Amsterdam Germany - Bussingen Germany - Berlin
Ukraine - Kiev Europe - Andorra Europe - San Marino
Finland - Helsinki Poland - Warsaw Montenegro - Podgorica
Murdoch-Kichinau Liechtenstein - Vaduz Europe - Monaco
Slovakia -- Bratislava Sweden - Stockholm Europe - Luxembourg
Russia - Kaliningrad UK - Guernsey

Asian Time

Asia - Gaza Jordan-Amman Province Russia - Kaisersberg
Asia-Damascus Russia-Vladivostok Xinjiang-Urumqi
China - Chaozhou Mongolia-Ulaanbaatar Uzbek-Tashkent
Thailand - Bangkok Israel - Tel Aviv Uzbekistan-Samarkand
Asia - Ashgabat Asia - Singapore Hasak Kizil Orda.
Asia - Almaty Hong Kong - Sai Kung Oman - Muscat
Asia - Yerevan North Korea - Pyongyang India - Kolkata
Asia-Ustria Russia - Novosibirsk Indonesia - Jakarta
Japan - Tokyo Indonesia - Mangasik Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City
Asia - Tbilisi Malaysia - Kuchin United Arab Emirates - Dubai
Korea - Seoul Afghanistan - Kabul Sri Lanka - Colombo
Asia - Yangon Russia-Ilkutsk Asia-Bunei
Asia - Phnom Penh China-Harbin Middle East - Bahrain
Cypress Nexia Bangladesh - Dhaka China - Aktau
Asia - Macau China - Chongqing Russia - Yakutsk
Asia - Krasnoyarsk Laos - Yongzhen Taiwan - Taipei
Asia-Kashi Indonesia - Xijiang Bhutan - Thimphu
Asia - Gayapura Iran - Tehran Russia-Kamchatka Peninsula
Asia - Hong Kong China - Shanghai Turkey -- Istanbul
Asia - Dushanbe Arab -- Riyadh Palestine -- Hebron
Asia - Dhaka Indonesia -- Pontianak East Timor - Dili
Asia - Kolkata Asia - New Kusnez Kyrgyz-Bishkek
Asia - Baku Asia-Magadan Iraq - Baghdad
Asia - Aktobe Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur Russia-Anadyr River
Asia - Gulf of Aden Asia - Kathmandu Lebanon - Beirut
Asia - Cobourg Asia - Jerusalem Turkman Ashgabat.

America Time

USA - Anchorage Canada - Whitehorse Canada - Winnipeg
USA - Yakutat Virgin Islands - Tortola Canada - Vancouver
Canada - Toronto Canada - Sandy Bay Mexico - Tijuana
Caribbean - St. Vincent and the Grenadines Canada - Swift Carrent. Honduras -- Tegucigalpa
Caribbean Sea - St. Kitts Caribbean - St. Lucia Caribbean - St. Thomas
U.S.A. - Sitka France - St. Barthélemy Canada - St. John"s
Brazil - São Paulo Greenland-Skosbysson New Mexico - Shiprock Peak
Brazil - St. Gallen USA - San Diego Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo
Brazil - Rio Branco Argentina - Rosario Mexico - Santa Isabel
Brazil - West Africa Canada - Regina Canada - Cornwallis Island
United States - Puerto Rico Canada -- Rennie River Canada - Rankin Inlet
Trinidad and Tobago - Port of Spain Brazil -- Porto Acre Brazil - Porto Velho
Suriname Paramaribo. USA - Phoenix Haiti -- Port-au-Prince
Mexico - Ojinaga Central America-Panama Canada - Bonnatonnais
USA - Bijoula USA - North Dakota Center USA - New Salem
Canada - Nipigon USA - Nome Brazil-Fernando-Dinotronia Islands
Argentina -- Montserrat The Bahamas - Nassau USA - New York
USA - Monterey Uruguay - Montevideo
Mexico -- Mexico City France - Micronesia Canada - Moncton
USA - Menominee Spain - Merida USA - Metlakatla
Mexico - Matamoros Mexico - Mazatlan France - Martinique
Brazil - Manaus St. Martin-Marigot, France Nicaragua - Managua
St. Martin of the Dutch - Lower Prince Brazil - Maceio USA - Louisville
Peru - Lima USA - Los Angeles Bolivia-La Paz
USA - Juneau Holland - Klalendyk USA - Monticello
Canada -- Iqaluit Kentucky - Louisville Canada - Inuvik
Indiana-Winamaker Caribbean - Jamaica Indiana-Vansevo
Indiana-Tell City Indianapolis, Indiana Indiana-Petersburg
Indiana Knox. Indiana Weaver. Canada -- Halifax
Cuba - Havana Indiana Marengo. Central America - Guatemala
Ecuador - Guayaquil Mexico -- Hermosillo United Kingdom - Grand Turk
Caribbean - Grenada South America - Guyana Canada - Gillespie
Greenland - Nuuk France - Guadeloupe Mexico - Ensenada
USA - Fort Wayne Canada - Happy Bay - Goolsbay Canada - Edmonton
Brazil - Erunepe Brazil - Fortaleza USA - Denver
USA - Detroit Central America - El Salvador Greenland - Port of Denmark
Canada -- Dawson City Caribbean-Dominican Republic Canada - Creston
Brazil - Cuiabá Canada -- Dawson River Canada - Coral Harbour
Spain - Cordoba Caribbean - Curaçao UK-Cayman Islands
USA - Chicago Central America - Costa Rica Venezuela - Caracas
Brazil - Camp Grande Mexico -- Chihuahua Canada - Cambridge Bay
USA - Boise Cayenne, French Guyana Colombia-Bogota
Canada - Bransablon Mexico -- Cancun Central America - Belize
Caribbean - Barbados Argentina - Buenos Aires Mexico - Banderas Bay
USA - Atka Brazil - Boavista Canada -- Atikokan
Caribbean - Dutch Aruba Brazil - Belém Argentina - Ushuaia
Argentina - San Luis Brazil - Bahia Argentina - San Juan
Argentina - Río Gallegos Paraguay - Asuncion Argentina - Mendoza
Argentina - Jujuy Argentina - Tucumán Argentina - Cordoba
Argentina - Catamarca Argentina - Salta Argentina - Buenos Aires
Guatemala-Antigua Spain - Rioja UK - Anguilla
USA - Edak Argentine-Rivadavia Commodore"s Town Canada - Yellowknife
Brazil - Araguaína

Pacific Time

USA - Wake Island South Pacific - Fiji Kiribati - Christmas Island
Hawaii - Honolulu Micronesia Chuk. Polynesia-Gambier Islands
Oceania-Samoa Kingdom of Tonga - Tongatapu Island Gilbert Ndebele
Sjennievan Islands - Pohnpei Cook Rarotonga New Zealand-Auckland
Virginia - Norfolk Oceania - Palau France - Wallis
Marshall Islands-Majuro Oceania - Nauru Polynesia-Tahiti.
Tuvalu-Funafuti Micronesia-Costelez Micronesia Bonapé.
Chile-Easter Island Solomon-Guadalcanal Nouméa, New Caledonia.
Vinote-Cook Islands Tokelau Islands - Fakaofo Atoll Polynesia-Marquesas Islands
USA-Saipan New Zealand-Chatham USA - Johnston Atoll
England - Pitcairn Pacific - Yap Island Ecuador - Galapagos Islands
Pacific-New Island Kiribati Tarawa Pacific - Efate Island
Marshall-Kwajalein Atoll Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby Samoan-Appiah.
USA - Guam Samoa Pago Pago. USA - Midway

Australia Time

Australia - Tasmania Australia - Darwin Australia-Curry
Australia -- Perth Australia - Brisbane Australia - Adelaide
Australia - Broken Hill Australia - Western Australia Australia - Victoria
Australia - Sydney Australia - South Australia Australia - Queensland
Australia - New South Wales Australia - Northern Territory Australia-Melbourne
Australia - Lindavon Island Australia - Lord Howe Island Australia -- Hobart
Australia -- Canberra Australia - Australian Capital Territory

Atlantic Time

UK - South Georgia Atlantic - St. Helena Antarctica - Palmer Station
Iceland - Reykjavik Denmark - Faroe Islands Antarctica - Showa Base
Africa - Cape Verde Portugal - Azores Antarctica - McMurdo Station
Portugal - Madeira Norway - Longyearbyen Antarctica-Davis Station
Spain - Canary Islands Antarctica - Rothera Research Station Antarctic
United Kingdom - Falkland Islands Australia - Macquarie Island Station Antarctica - Key West Station
UK-Bermuda Antarctica - Vostok Station Antarctica-Mossen Station

Africa Time

Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome Pozana Gabrielonli. Zambia - Lusaka
Chad N"Djamena. Tanzania - Port of Portland Lagos, Nigeria
Lesotho - Marcellus Gambia - Banjul South Sudan - Juba
Angola - Luanda North Africa-Tunisia Arab - Laayoune
Luanda - Kigali Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Guinea-Conakry
Zimbabwe - Harare Liberia - Monrovia Congo-Brazzaville
East Africa - Djibouti Equatorial Guinea-Marabo Ghana - Accra
Morocco - Casablanca Garpens Libreville. Marley Timbuktu
Guinea Bissau Bissau Uganda - Kampala Niger - Niamey
Namibia - Winhoek Lion Rock - Freetown Kingdom of Swatini - Mbabane
Bernan Porto Novo. Senegal-Dakar Congo-Loubumbashi
Kenya Nairobi. Pulau Lundy - Bujumbura Congo-Kinshasa
Mozambique - Maputo Central African Republic - Bangui Cameron-Douala
Togo - Lomé Ethiopia - Addis Ababa. Spain - Ceuta
Algeria - Algiers Libya - Tripoli Malawi-Brandell.
Sultan Khartoum Maulitania Nouakchott. Eritrea - Asmara
Egypt - Cairo Somalia - Mogadishu Ivory Coast - Abidjan

India Time

Madagascar Morrissey. Australia - Christmas Island France - Mayotte
India -- Cox India - Mahe India -- Chagos
Africa -- Comoros India-Maldives Madagascar Antananarivo.
France - Kerguelen Islands

Antarctica Time

Norway - Longyearbyen Antarctica - Vostok Station Antarctica - McMurdo Station
Antarctica - Rothera Research Station Antarctica - Palmer Station Antarctica-Davis Station
Australia - Macquarie Island Station Antarctica - Showa Base Antarctic
Antarctica - Key West Station Antarctica-Mossen Station