Chile-Easter Island
07:49:58 AM
Update Time
Chile-Easter Island current time
time zone | Time |
Chile-Easter Island | 07:49:58 AM |
Local Time | 08:49:58 PM |
Chile - Easter Island time vs local time
Chile-Easter Island - Local Time = 13
Time Zone Difference:13hours
Time Zone Difference:780Minutes
Chile-Easter Island Date vs Local Date
time zone | date |
Chile-Easter Island | 2024/12/13 |
Local Time | 2024/12/13 |
Where is Easter Island, Chile?
Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, or Easter Island according to English pronunciation, is an island in the South Pacific Ocean, located between 3,600 and 3,700 kilometers off the coast west of Chile, at 27°09′S 109°27′W. It is about the same latitude as the Chilean port of Caldera, and is a special territory of Chile. Easter Island is one of the most isolated islands in the world, and is 2,075 km from the nearest inhabited Pitcairn Islands.
European Time
Asian Time
America Time
Pacific Time
Australia Time
Atlantic Time
Africa Time
India Time
Madagascar Morrissey. | Australia - Christmas Island | France - Mayotte |
India -- Cox | India - Mahe | India -- Chagos |
Africa -- Comoros | India-Maldives | Madagascar Antananarivo. |
France - Kerguelen Islands |